Friday, September 17, 2021

Walking on Sunshine


I am taking my word for the year, which is quiet, quite seriously on the blog. I'm feeling a little like I did when I stopped writing fan fiction and it pressed heavy on my heart and at the same time it was the right thing to do. 

Not that I intend to stop blogging entirely or anything, but life this year has indeed been somewhat quiet and also immensely happy. We are at a juncture of life that is amazingly full of so much fun- Betsy is a junior and can drive, which has changed life in so many ways, and Felicity is thirteen and full of sass and love and it's a trip but luckily for me, it's a trip I've been on before, and so I hold fast to the bits that are precious and sigh sometimes and am grateful that we are halfway through this phase. 

The girls and I are watching Roswell, which is of course the show that changed my whole life 20 years ago, introducing me to fan fiction and to the idea that people would actually read words that I would write. It's bananas, watching this show that hardly anyone watched with these two girls- it's this huge piece of my heart that is strange and hard to put to words. Those stories that I wrote once upon a time were a window into my soul, and reliving it is both such fun and also hard in ways that I didn't anticipate. 

We are also watching all the Marvel movies in order on Friday nights (I still have a hard time keeping things straight though) and this summer we watched tons of old 1980s movies that were such fun to introduce them to. Betsy worked at the pool and we took such an amazing trip with my whole family (I say this every year, but nothing is more fun that taking a trip with the people you love most in the world in a 15 passenger van- I will miss so much this phase of life when it passes).

What I'm Loving Right Now:

Stephen King

Laura Tremaine is one of my favorite people on the internet and she created a Stephen King book club for the summer. Laura loves Stephen King and her dream is to introduce him to people who would not normally pick up one of his books. I had read The Shining at my friend Joe's insistence once, and while I did like it, I didn't feel compelled to read any more. Since Laura started off with Carrie, which is a movie adaptation that I adore (Sissy Spacek is one of my most favorite actresses ever), I thought I would give it a try. We read Carrie, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, and Misery

I am beyond happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all three, with Carrie being my favorite. I'm looking forward to continuing next summer.  

The Plot Thickens and You Must Remember This

Turner Classic Movies is my favorite channel ever of all time. I was delighted when they announced that they were creating a podcast. The first season of The Plot Thickens is about Peter Bogdanovich- who I knew as the director of The Last Picture Show and from Cybill Shepard's autobiography. I instantly became entranced with his first wife, Polly Platt, and as luck would have it, Karina Longworth created a nine episode arc on You Must Remember This all about Polly. Highly recommended.

The second season of The Plot Thickens, about the making of The Bonfire of the Vanities, is also wonderful.

Three Blooms Farms

For the third time, I subscribed to Three Blooms Farms flower subscription. It is so lovely to come home to fresh flowers, and she delivers to my door. 

If you are local to New Concord, I highly recommend this subscription. 

Life is quiet and blessed.